NRF’s Big Ideas


Solving Four Practice Problems Across Multiple Sectors of Care

The NRF originated from the realization that four global health care problems could be solved by a holistic conceptual framework for individual practitioners and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The four problems identified are:


across and within different health care sectors is rampant.


of diagnostic categories and dedicated treatments to a single diagnosis is commonplace.


persists in many health care and educational systems, where the person with the highest degree or the highest salary has the final say.


of disciplines has often been connected to a particular area of the brain.

The NRF solves these four global health care problems using its holistic, conceptual framework to educate, scaffold and create collaborative and customized care.

The NRF Provides Solutions to:


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The NRF builds healthy trees and forests




You might know that understanding toxic stress is important to fully assessing children’s behaviors. But, how do you assess and document what that means?

The NRF guides you all the way through:

  • We know how to assess, reduce, and/or eliminate toxic stress patterns that
    disrupt families’ lives!
  • We operationalize toxic stress patterns for data collection and progress monitoring!
  • We help children and parents build stress resilience!


How Do We Identify Toxic Stress Patterns?

You may understand that relational health is key to healthy brain development, but do you have a developmental map?

We know how to map and support calm, comfortable, and joyous relationships!

The NRF uses a developmental perspective to assess and support relationships starting at the earliest point of challenge.

You may find the simple, one-dimensional solutions you have do not match your clients’ multifaceted and complex needs. How can you hold this complexity?

We know how to customize care across multiple brain networks at the same time!

The NRF uses a developmental perspective to assess and support relationships starting at the earliest point of challenge.

You may find the simple, one-dimensional solutions you have do not match your clients’ multifaceted and complex needs. How can you hold this complexity?

We know how to customize care across multiple brain networks at the same time!

The NRF uses a dimensional

approach to brain networks

that are integrated

You may feel unsure whether the therapies you are using result in healthy progress for your client. Do you have an effective and efficient way to document your progress for insurance, funding or explanatory purposes?

We know how to track key indicators to ensure we achieve real health care improvement!